Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sun is Shining

Four months basically flew by. Bun started dating a friend of a friend of S’s and the Red Head’s, Gangles (because he is so tall and skinny). We were having fun, we went to class (sometimes), but mostly we hung out with each other, her roommates, or our new friends and boyfriends. S and I saw each other whenever we could. He was working at the movies at the time so we saw each other through the week and stuff, too. He would soon be getting a big boy job in Sydney, though, and that led to us seeing each other only on weekends. But before then, we went and saw Green Day in Sydney, we did day trips down to the city to see the sites, we went to the Reptile Park where Bun and I got to feed kangas, we saw our new friends perform in the air guitar championships, and S, the Red Head, and I went beach camping where there were kangas all around us and where I taught the boys all about the tastiness of S’mores.
S and I were having fun, really in to each other, but hadn’t said more than I heart you, no I love yous at this point, but I still knew I didn’t want to leave here in June.
June came and with it so did my parents and our whole travel group, as planned, to work our way up the east coast of Australia and then to take me home. I asked my parents if S could come with us on our trip and they were nice enough to say yes. Nae, my sister, came in about a week before my parents, and I feel sorry for her now because we mostly just hung out in my dorm room because I didn’t know my way around the town that well yet. My Mom flew in from Singapore the day before my Dad and the rest of the travel group were to arrive so S and I took her and Nae to the Reptile Park so they could pet the kangaroos, too. We all hung out in Sydney for a day or two, then went up to the Hunter Valley to do some wine tasting (S had to work and met us on the next leg of our trip in Queensland). Then we flew up to Cairns (say it Cans though) and hung out in a little resort town for a few days before taking a boat out to one of the islands on the Great Barrier Reef, Green Island. It was a fun, but interesting trip. My Mom and I teamed up to be pissed together because one of the family friends, who is like a cousin to me, flirted nonstop with S, while still proclaiming her love for her boyfriend back home and another of the family friends kept being waaaaay to flirty with my Dad! We snorkeled a lot and saw some pretty neat things. I freaked out the last day when I chased some parrot fish right up behind a reef shark that was probably the size of me! I flew up to the top of the water, I was probably imitating Jesus at that point and actually walking on the water, and yelled SHARK! Nae laughed and said she had seen it, but it wasn’t going to eat us or anything so she stayed in and Mom, being the good Mom she is, got out with me. We ended up seeing a few different sharks (though none again that big) and different sorts of sting rays. I think one family friend, A, said she saw an octopus. And her sister, J, got her hand bit by one of the giant clams. Yet another family friend, we’ll call him Glen, since he looks like Glen from the Tom Green Show, saw a sea snake while he was out snorkeling. We then stayed in tree houses in the rain forest for a week where we had dress up parties and celebrated 3 birthdays, got leaches when we went hiking, and learned waaaaay too much about some people in the group ("I’m going to dye my bush blue", for example). It was an adventure for sure! We all flew back down to Sydney and by this time I had told my parents I wouldn’t be going home with them, that I wanted to stay to finish out the year. Once again, they were cool enough to say go for it. Keep in mind, they were footing the bill for all of this so it makes it even cooler of them to agree. Bun had also decided she couldn’t leave her boyfriend, Gangles and was going to stay the year, too. It was a tearful good bye to my family but I was stoked that I could stay with S for at least a little longer.

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